All that lies in between
I’m all leaden darkness and searing light
A soul-stained glass effigy
stretched drum-tight
at the extremity
of my becoming
my birth rite
This dark interior thick with earth
A heart-bruised hollow
where I stone-blind am meant to follow
the downward path
through death
to birth
Here in the deep well of this blindsight
a tincture of colour burning and bright
falls like sonorant rain against these walls
walls of my refusal
walls of stage fright
Sharp points of pure pigment commanding and fierce
and I like a newborn no match for their ardour
just try to stay standing
pray harder and harder
for strength and for faith
to confront all these fears
So tender to me
all that lies in between
show me tones tints and hues
of reds greens and blues
Gentle my soul
with shades and with greys
with almond and amber, lilac and teal
Mix these pure pigments with oils and with clays
to soften and sooth
the birth pains of these days