Beneath the surface of troubled lives I have discovered ecologies of feeling as intricate as coral reefs and walked in landscapes of human experience as irreplaceable as our rainforests.
I am a psychotherapist, photographer and writer. I was born in the high Altiplano of the Bolivian Andes. My compass has always pointed down towards hidden valleys, in search of origins and roots. I studied History at Cambridge and Photography at Camberwell College of Arts in London.
My early career took me first into publishing and then advertising. Following a life-changing journey to the Himalayan kingdom of Ladakh, I changed course and worked for Save the Children for a number of years, latterly a their Head of Corporate Fundraising.
I trained as a psychotherapist in my late thirties. Since then, my work has centred on private practice with men and women from all walks of life. I am also a Training Therapist with The Psychosynthesis Trust, a leading college of professional education, and a Psychotherapy Supervisor.
My practice is informed by the growing tradition of ecopsychology which points to an equivalence between the state of the natural world and the condition of human nature. We exploit, damage and savage the Earth because we have forgotten that nature is also the core of who we are. Spellbound by our screens and corralled into concrete ways of thinking, this sentient and vital realm (which is our birthright) is in danger of succumbing to desolation. Our experience begins to resemble the eroded rivers, the polluted seas and the arid deserts.
I write to refuse this flattening and impoverishment of the human spirit.